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  • What is Homeopathy?
    Homeopathy is a holistic system of healing, it was founded and developed by a German physician named Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700s. In Homeopathy we use the Similia principle which simply means “Like cures like” which is the foundation on which homeopathy is built on, it means that any substance which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick. Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual and as a whole taking into account the persons physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state, this then helps in finding the best suited remedy or remedies that fit the individual as a whole.
  • How are Homeopathic Remedies Made?
    Homeopathic medicines are made from natural sources, which include plants, minerals, metals which undergo a process of dilution and potentisation. This creates tiny doses which have a vital therapeutic action which stimulates the body’s own healing power.
  • Is Homeopathy Safe?
    It’s very safe, there is no danger of addiction, toxicity or side effects, very safe for the elderly, babies as well as pregnant mothers and it’s used by millions all over the world.
  • Can Homeopathic Remedies be used alongside Conventional Medicine?
    Yes, homeopathic remedies can be taken alongside conventional medicines, though the homeopathic medicines often work fast and well enough that the person does not need to take conventional drugs. If you are on long term medication then you would need to consult with your prescribing healthcare provider and seek advise if you wish to reduce or stop the conventional mediications you are taking.
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